Popular Science and Commentaries

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Storytelling Arms Race: origin of human intelligence and the scientific mind

Evolution or Revolution: Changing the way science is published and communicated
Selected Research Publications

Developmental timing in plants
Enrico Coen and Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz (2024), Nature Communications, 15:2674

Brassinosteroid coordinates cell layer interactions in plants via cell wall and tissue mechanics
Robert Kelly-Bellow, Karen Lee et al (2023), Science, 22 Jun 2023, Vol 380, Issue 6651

The mechanics of plant morphogenesis (review)
Enrico Coen and Daniel Cosgrove (2023), Science, 3 Feb 2023. Vol 379, Issue 6631

Localization of stomatal lineage proteins reveals contrasting planar polarity patterns in cotyledons

Evolution of the grass leaf by primordium extension and petiole-lamina remodelling

Intrinsic cell polarity coupled to growth axis formation in tobacco BY-2 cells

Interaction between autonomous and microtubule guidance systems controls cellulose synthase trajectories

Evolution of carnivorous traps from planar leaves through simple shifts in gene expression
Whitewoods, Goncalves, Cheng et al (2020) Science. 367: 91-96

Shaping of a three-dimensional carnivorous trap through modulation of a planar growth mechanism
Lee, Bushell, Koide et al (2019) PLoS Biol. 17 (10): e300042

Volumetric finite-element modelling of biological growth

Spatiotemporal coordination of cell division and growth during organ morphogenesis

Selection and gene flow shape genomic islands that control floral guides

Ectopic BASL reveals tissue cell polarity throughout leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

Evolution of flower color pattern through selection on regulatory small RNAs

Formation and shaping of the Antirrhinum flower through modulation of the CUP boundary gene

Growth and development of three-dimensional plant form

Macro optical projection tomography for large scale 3D imaging of plant structures and gene activity
Lee et al. (2017) Journal of Experimental Botany Vol. 68 No. 3 pp.527-538

Generation of shape complexity through tissue conflict resolution

Ectopic KNOX expression affects plant development by altering tissue cell polarity and identity

Resolving conflicts: modelling genetic control of plant morphogenesis

Fruit shape diversity in the Brassicaceae is generated by varying patterns of anisotropy

JAGGED controls Arabidopsis petal growth by shape and interacting with a divergent polarity field

An intracellular positioning-based framework for tissue cell polarity in plants and animals

Generation of leaf shape through early patterns of growth and tissue polarity

Generation of spatial patterns through cell polarity switching
Robinson et al. (2011) Science, Vol 333, Issue 6048, 1436-1440

Quantitative control of organ shape by combinatorial gene activity

Cryptic variation between species and the basis of hybrid performance

Regulatory genes control a key morphological and ecological trait transferred between species
Kim et al. (2008) Science, 14 Nov, Vol 322, Issue 5904, 1116-1119

Visualizing plant development and gene expression in three dimensions using Optical Projection Tomography

Evolution and development of inflorescence architecture
Prusinkiewicz et al. (2007) 8 Jun, Vol 316, Issue 5830, 1452-1456

Evolutionary paths underlying flower color variation in Antirrhinum

Evolution through genetically controlled allometry space

Floral asymmetry involves an interplay between TCP and MYB transcription factors in Antirrhinum

A temporal and morphological framework for flower development in Antirrhinum majus
Vincent and Coen (2004) Canadian Journal of Botany. Volume 82, Number 5

Genetic control of surface curvature
Nath et al. (2003) Science, 28 Feb, Vol 299, Issue 5611, 1404-1407

Control of organ asymmetry in flowers of Antirrhinum
Luo et al. (1999) Cell, Volume 99, Issue 4, 367-376, November 12

Epigenetics of natural variation in floral symmetry

Inflorescence commitment and architecture in Arabidopsis
Bradley et al. (1997) Science, 3 Jan, Vol 275, Issue 5296, 80-83